Sunday 31 January 2016

It's been a while....

... but just because it was quite busy around here.

After the motorcycle show, it seems like winter is no more (when it comes to business).

However, it's still very wintery outside and I've been mostly out, taking photos, trying out stuff and just having fun. Who could blame me? :)

With all that is going on (my car broke down, visa issues, tripod issues, business issues) it's been impossible to take care of everything at once.

Nothing really interesting happened, but I did enjoyed my walks. This year I do have a proper winter jacket (I couldn't ignore the fact that I live in Canada any more) so I finally understand how nice taking a walk can be on -10 :)

We had some snow that melted quickly, but for a few days  everything looked amazing. The lake froze partially, so did the Etobicoke creek I sometimes visit.

In the Humber park there are always birds to see. And even though I have plenty of bird photos, somehow you can never get enough of them. Especially when they're crowded like this, fighting for the food.

Larger geese are constantly attacking little ducks and making their life harder in finding the crumbles. Cruel nature.

There was a lady feeding them. It's incredible how close the brave birds can come when they know there's a bag full of crumbles in the old lady's hands.

The swan immediately came close and was begging (well, demanding) for food, reaching all the way in her plastic bag. Geese are not as tall so they couldn't do the same thing. That just reminded me on the story of a fox and stork.

There was other kind of attacks too. This little guy on the right has no clue what's about to happen.

The beach was empty, of course. No people, no dogs and a big warning there are no lifeguards on duty.


But then, I remember last winter guy surfing on the ice, so I guess the sign is here for a reason, after all...

There were little loons swimming in the lake, but I couldn't catch them with my lens.

They were babies, and looked like little penguins, being all black and white. Quite a sight.

I need to get a tele lens.

In the meantime, I'll make lemonade with the lemons I got.

Have a nice week everybody! Enjoy the winter while it's still here! (Did I just say that?)
I'm becoming Canadian.


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