Monday 28 September 2015

Greetings from the Summer - over and out

Well, another summer is gone. Still, I'm pretty surprised by how warm it still is, considering it's end of September.

While I do hope it will stay so for another few weeks, I doubt it and I'm beginning to make my peace with what's about to come.

Ever since I got back from Croatia, things were pretty busy.
Summer ending was nice though, and despite having little time to wonder around, I did some things I wanted to do.

Like going on a Scorpions concert at Molson Amphitheater . It's a thing we planned the whole summer, and I knew it was going to be nice. With little up's and down's, the night turned out to be truly amazing.

I've seen them before, but I haven't heard them in a loooong time (probably because I don't have the habit of listening to music unless I'm in a good, nostalgic company or I'm running).

They grew old, and I became an adult in the mean time - but once again they touched my soul for a moment and reminded me of younger days.

Their new albums are still pretty awesome though. They still got it. They did performed the greatest hits, of course, but I wish they played other, less popular, but way more interesting ones.

We had a guest here - so we went out a few times and I got to shoot in a company for a change.

Gave me time to play around and explore what else my Nikon can do.

We mostly visited my favorite old places to shoot, but I can never get enough of this city view.

Finally, went to see Niagara falls (thanks to the guest, too). I've been wanting that since I got here, but I never had a chance.

We were there only at night, so I still want to go there by day.

The mist was a bit annoying though. I guess that comes with the view.

The falls are truly amazing, especially at night with all the color and lights.

It's hard to even capture it on the photograph and if you're around, it's a sin not to see them in person. It's spectacular.

We had another photo shoot at our location with two great girls. We had a professional photographer there who did a great job, but more important, he lets me sneak around and practice.

That gave me another opportunity to get some of the shots myself (with real people) and here's how that turned out.
Yeah, this was quite a summer. The only thing that makes me happy now are the colors of the fall, yet to be fully revealed in a few weeks. Somewhere, if you look closely enough, you can already see them.

If you're on Instagram, follow @sharoncocaine for daily photo updates.

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