Tuesday 5 May 2015

Shooting The Spring In Toronto

Finally, it happened. Spring is officially here (no, the dates don't matter). What matters is the number of days in a row with temperatures above 16 degrees C. With sun. Those are my standards.

That's when I start running.
That's when I can wear short sleeves.
That's when I don't feel like eating ice cream anymore.
That's when I know I'll soon be wearing flip flops and be able to sunbathe at the top of my roof.
That's when all the spring joy and positive energy summons.

The trees are getting greener. Now is the time to visit High Park, among all the other beautiful places in the city. The warm breeze and flower scents feels amazing after this long winter. The birds are chirping and playing around, people are taking walks and there are flowers everywhere. It's nice to be outside!

Just took a walk the other day and saw some amazing stuff. Also, learned couple of things. Those black birds with red and yellow on their wings (Red wing blackbirds) are mean. You can see it in their mean birdie faces.

On the other hand, Robins are awesome and great photo models. They're not scared easily and they're willing to pose for you. They are all around the place, playing with other robins and sparrows or just sitting in a tree chirping and browsing around.

It's hard to miss firsts magnolia flowers, they look amazing. They bloomed rapidly in the last couple of days. They're all over the places and yet I can never get enough of them.

Also, the first cherry blossoms just bloomed, and I know they're gonna be even more magnificent in the next couple of weeks. There's something magical about them. Next week I'm on my quest to find some more.

I generally love squirrels, but baby squirrels are awesome! This little guy actually followed a bunch of kids running around and played with them. Wasn't scared at all, and actually, quite enjoyed their attention.

This time of year is always beautiful. Of course, in Croatia, this time of year actually comes sooner, but it's just as amazing. I must admit though, I somehow appreciate it more here, in Toronto. I guess it's because of that badass Canadian winter after all. So, whoever is around, get outside and enjoy!

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